Sunday, March 3, 2013

Lilly Pulitzer Nation

Now that things are simmering down, I can get back to blogging :D

I thought a perfect post, would be my brand love for Lilly. I mean seriously though, who doesn't love Lilly? Especially now, when the only thing clouding up my mind is Spring. Oh how I want you Spring.
I agree with the College Prepster, when she said that she half expected when waking up on March 1 that it would be Spring. But unfortunately, the East Coast is still like an ice cube.

Basically the closest thing I have to Spring at the moment is me sitting in front of my computer for hours browsing the new Lilly collections.

Just looking at all the bright patterns, and beautiful designs, makes me happy. It puts a little brightness back in my dreary rainy day.

Here are the top items on my wishlist :)

My goal is to start updating my summer/spring wardrobe, and of course Lilly will be the base of all my accessories, clothing, etc etc.

Which Lilly piece is your favorite?

Monday, February 11, 2013

Eat Cake For Breakfast

"Eat Cake For Breakfast"

(double click on the image and you can download it as a wallpaper!)

     Ok, so you might be reading the title and think to yourself, what in the world is she talking about?

Well, I was shopping around on the Kate Spade website and I saw an adorable tote bag that read "Eat cake for breakfast". I just kind of skimmed it over, thought it was cute, no big deal. But then I gave it more thought. I pretty much kept on repeating it over and over in my head. For some reason it really stuck with me.

I guess it kind of goes along with a carpe diem sort of mind set.  I've really been trying lately, to live more in the moment and not worry about what's going to happen, and especially what already happened. I seem to have the sort of issue where I 'cry over spilt milk', it's either that or I'm worrying about the future and all the 'what ifs.' 

But this quote, in it's own quirky way, is basically saying don't worry about anything for a while. Have fun. Do something crazy and spontaneous. Live a little. Enjoy life in the moment. Be unpredictable for once. Be unexpected. Take a day off. Do something you normally would never do. Take a deep breath and take everything in. Enjoy the little things. Eat cake for breakfast.

Here are some of the cute inspirational Kate Spade products:

Which ones your favorite? :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Surprise!Kate Spade Edition

Hurry up and get these super adorable Kate Spade items before they run out of stock!

This surprise sale has literally


I would use these 'Henriettas' as cosmetic bags or even pencil cases!!

Super cute Valentine's gifts for friends...or yourself:)

Pop Fizz Clink                        Diagonal Stripe

Sme of my favorite Kate Spade iPhone cases! I am definitely ordering this iPad now.

Which one is your favorite?


So, I was on the hunt for some new boots that would be able to withstand this horrid weather we've been having... and it dawned on me. Duck boots, duh.

My main criteria was that they had to be 
1. Long Lasting
3.Go with almost anything
5.Water/snow/slush proof.

Duck or "bean" boots fits all of these needs and more. 

  • Our signature boots are still sewn here in Maine and have stood the test of time
  • Thinsulate™ Insulation olefin/polyester for extra warmth in the rubber part of the boot
  • Supportive steel shank and rubber chain-tread bottom provide comfort and traction
An avid outdoorsman, Leon Leonwood Bean wanted to create a comfortable, dry pair of boots for tromping through the backwoods of Maine. Today, our signature boots are still sewn right here in Maine, one pair at a time, from premium full-grain leather. A supportive steel shank and our original rubber chain-tread bottom give you unmatched comfort and performance. While many boots on the market might look similar to L.L.Bean Boots, they lack the attention to detail and the premium-quality materials that have allowed ours to stand the test of time. Thinsulate™ Insulation olefin/polyester in rubber bottom for extra warmth during cold snaps."
They come in a few different colors and heights, and you can even get fur lined ones!

For my purposes, I thought these were the best for me:

They are the 8" tan, original Maine Hunting Boot.

Here are pix from my Instagram on how I wore them!

You can buy them here! 

Stay tuned for my post on cute sock and tights pairings for boots!

What are your favorite pair of go-to boots? How do you wear them?

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Love Lettering

Sorry for being kinda M.I.A the past few days, things have been pretty crazy!

But anywaysss, time to get back into the swing of things so today's post is going to be one of my favorites, and in the spirit of Valentines Day :) . I was flipping through the latest issue of Sweet Lemon Magazine, and I read an amazing article, that also happens to be the cover story(if you don't already subscribe to/ read Sweet Lemon you are missing out).

It was all about this company called "More Love Letters", basically each month you can send in love letter requests for a friend or family member, and then if they are chosen, anyone in the world can sign up to More Love Letters and write a beautiful love letter to these strangers, who need someone, anyone to have faith in them, and to see that they are not all alone.

This brilliant idea, was started by Hannah Brencher, who starting writing love letters to random people and would leave them all over New York City. And slowly but surely, More Love Letters has grown and grown to what it is today.

So stop on by their website, and participate! It's truly amazing how one letter can make such a difference in someone's life. You can even throw your own Love Lettering Valentine's Day party, and they'll send you all the things you need! I know what I'm doing next weekend!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Just Keep Swimming

   I don't know about you guys, but I am counting down the days until Spring! I'm so tired of this cold wet weather, and am longing for warmth. So to compensate for these dreams of mine, I decided to start looking at this upcoming season's swimwear!
   Let me just say, I was not disappointed. Here are some of my favorites that I bookmarked, let me know which you like best!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Music to My Ears 1

    For a while there I kind of stopped listening to music, and reading, and watching tv, jst becasue I was so busy and I essentially fell of the face of the Earth for a week or two. But now that I am back up on my feet, and starting to readjust after midterms, i'm back in full swing.
    So, as I have been organizing and doing some last minute studying I had some favorite alternative(which is a fancy way of saying hipster) bands playing to help me get along:)
    Here are some of my favorites!

Music to My Ears 1

Music to My Ears 1 by preppyonadime on Polyvore

1. Imagine Dragons: 

2.Mumford & Sons:

3.Of Monsters and Men: 

4.The Luminners: 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Call Me Maybe

    Cell phone cases, to me, are one of the most important accessories you can own. I mean think about it. What's the one thing you always have on you and everybody sees you with? Your phone! So naturally the case should represent your style,(and be pleasant to look at 24/7) so that way it will match you. But for me it's very hard to find a super cute, and yet practical phone case, which is why I went on the hunt, because I am in desperate need for a new case!

Here are some of the good ones I found!

Call Me Maybe

Tech accessory
This is absolutely perfect- the perfect balance of practical and adorable! What's not to love about a monogrammed Otterbox, that you can completely personalize yourself!

Kate spade
It's no secret I have a huge soft spot for anything Kate Spade, but some of my friends have these do rave about them, because not only are they super cute, but they are also made out of a really nice thick protective material!

Kate spade
Ok, I couldn't not include this one. I mean Kate Spade really hit the spot on humor on this one! 

Kate Spade Abstract Bows
This one might be the winner for me, just because I love bows almost more than anything else, & it's Kate Spade. Win-Win!

Tech Candy Bordeaux
I actually own a Tech Candy case right now, that they no longer make, and I have absolutely nothing bad to say about it! It's the most protective case I have ever owned, and I highly recommend it to anyone who's looking for an ultra protective and adorable case!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

I'm Lovin'

Im lovin 1

J.Crew Men's camp socks / Marc by Marc Jacobs Stardust Neoprene Ipad Case / Tazo Chai Tea Latte / Blogger: Step Into Prep - Edit post

1.Chai Tea Latte- The perfect drink for these super cold days ahead!

2.iPad- I've had my iPad for a while but I never really used it much so I'd let my brother use it for games etc. But now I 've actually started using it and it just might be the best invention ever. I can study, watch tv, do homework assignments, blog, paint, it's better than a laptop!

3.Boot Socks- These socks are from J.Crew and they are actually also called camper socks. They are super comfortable and warm so I highly recommend them!

4.Rugby- The bittersweet closing. Although it is very sad to see it go, everything is ridiculously cheap right now! In the past week I have bought out almost the entire store!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Deep Breaths


   No matter what age you are, stress mever just goes away. Unfortunately it's just a part of being human. As a high schooler and teenager I've lately had to deal with a lot of stress. and unlucky for me whenever I get overly stressed I get really sick.
     I feel as if being a teenager is going to be one of the hardest parts of life. Its when you get run over by responsibilty, drama, and other things I'm sure we would all like to live without. But the fact of the matter is that it will never go away therefore we must learn how to adapt to it, and how to manage it. 
     So I decided to write this post, although it is more serious, because I know this is a stressful time for everyone not just us highschoolers who have to deal with midterms at the moment, which is my number 1 stress factor.

Here are some tips that will help you through some stressful times:
1. "Me" Time- Even though hanging out with friends and going out is great for letting loose amd relaxing, I prefer to do that after I get everything I needed to accomplish done, as a rewarding outing. Instead, leave some time in between working or studying for yourself. Sit down on the couch and read that book that has been on your list for months, catch up on some of your favorite TV shows or watch an old movie, paint your nails while listening to music or take a nice bubble bath.Whatever helps you to blow off some steam and to just spend some time with yourself.

2.Power off- One of my goals this year is to stop being on my phone so much. My phone is seriously like my best friend- we are always together. But sometimes you need to step away from the phones and ipads and tablets and you just have to let youurslef take a break forom the rest of the world.

3.Tea-Step away from all the coffee people! when you are stressed coffee just makes you jittery and cranky, and the caffeine isn't good in these situations.
Lately I have been substituting my coffee for a chai tea latte and not only is it delicious but its a proven fact that tea is the number one drink for relaxation. Just bundle up in bed and enjoy a cup, add it to your "Me" time:)

So this post ended up being way longer than intended but if anyone does end up reading through all this I hope i was able to give you some helpful tips.

What are some things you do to blow off some steam? comment below!


Comfy in Rugby

     So, I've been checking out some of my favorite east coast bloggers today, and well it's good to know that I'm not alone in my hatred for this weather. Unfortunately, I can vouch for them when they say it's beyond cold.

     I was not expecting to walk out of my house this morning and practically be frozen on the spot, but luckily my midterms started today(that's something I never thought I'd say), and I was able to dress in my comfy home clothes,because well that's really the only time it is acceptable to go to school wearing scrubs.
     I put on my trusty fleece lined leggings(so warm), a Rugby sweatshirt, duck boots and I was ready to go! On cold days as such, you can never go wrong with layers, and more layers.

Comfy in Rugby

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Back to the Basics

  Wether I am sitting on my computer doing online shopping, browsing the mall, doing some boutique window shopping ,or my favorite, thrifting, I have learned one very important lesson.

Always, always, stick to the basics. 
     By this I mean don't buy something just because it's the hot new trend, because chances are in a month you'll  look like you are wearing something that is literally 'so last month'. This is where my advice kicks in. Stick to the oxfords, the khakis, the ballet flats. Stick to the Lilly, the J.Crew, the Ralph Lauren.
     Why? Because they will never go out of style, they are investments that will be worth your while. Think about it, how many years have people been wearing button downs? or pearls?(which do make any outfit 10x better)
     But if you are keen on the fads, and hottest new trends, only buy the accesories that correspond with them, that way you can spice up the classic outfits you already have to give you more diversity and flexibility in your wardrobe.

Here is my little list of the staples, that if they aren't in your closet, you need to go now.

(Next week I will do a more detailed post on the brands to stick too, and how to save some money while doing so)

Basics 1

PS- Stay tuned for more of my basics posts!

Any staples that you just adore?! Comment below!

Monday, January 21, 2013